
Programme Development

Uncover opportunities through data gathering and engineering investigations.

Our team are experienced in devising and communicating plans to achieve goals, considering all stakeholders, company culture and pace issues that exist. These plans are all the more powerful as they are built up from real tangible opportunities and not aspirations. Further, these plans are dynamic and can be flexed as environmental conditions change.


Bring all the engineering together into a tangible plan

  • Using engineering opportunities as building blocks.
  • Develop logical and sequential strategies.
  • Assess the stakeholders’ issues.
  • Ensure all alternative options are assessed.
  • Communicate the preferred strategy clearly with all stakeholders.
How It Works

There are many competing paths to achieving an organisation's carbon goals; picking the best path is the challenge.

EM3 is aware that building the right strategy for a customer is a complex, interactive, and dynamic exercise as the balance needs to be found between options, customer priorities, availability of funds and strategic drivers. We have the team to do this.

  1. Strategic Planning

    Using the inventory of opportunities, we prepare the optimal sequence of implementation of those opportunities that make a difference. This is a collaborative exercise, as the optimal solution depends upon customer priorities and resource availability. Our experienced consultants have many years of experience processing these issues and communicating the findings.
  2. Strategic Plan Tracking

    Any strategic plan can go out of date as sites evolve and must be tracked to keep it valuable and relevant. We have developed processes to draw on the various elements of our partner energy management service, SAPERA. In this way, our customers can report accurately on progress and be able to explain the positive and negative variances.
  3. Feasibility studies

    In many cases, the benefits and impacts between options or between opportunities may not be immediately clear. In these cases, we conduct detailed feasibility studies in which competing solutions and their variations are assessed, and clear recommendations are made for the best solution. We have the expertise to carry out the correct modelling of baseline and future loads of variation options and to understand the engineering, operational and environmental impact.
  4. Capacity Studies

    As energy partners, we are frequently asked to conduct capacity studies to determine what capability exists within existing site utilities and infrastructure, considering end-of-life and business continuity. This also includes recommendations for optimum upgrades, which also integrate the outputs of our other services.
  5. Resilience Studies

    The strategic use of energy invariably touches on the important topic of resilience. In our approach, we consider both on-site and supply chain issues here, and this becomes more complex as multi-source and multi-generator types become common in energy and sustainability strategic plans. We have developed our EM3 resilience assessment framework to allow structured and logical resilience assessment.
  6. Investigations & Deep dives

    Our partnership with our customers as energy specialists means that we have a perspective when investigating events affecting production, health and safety and/or the environment. Our deep dives look for the story behind the events that explain the symptoms, and in collaboration with our customers, we look to arrive at a diagnosis.
EM3 has been instrumental in uncovering opportunities for us. Their service has consistently exceeded our expectations
Global Energy Strategy Manager,
Pharma Client
EM3 offer impartial advice and professionalism. They truly understand the ‘how’ and ‘who’ of optimal solutions for creating a positive impact on our operations.
Productivity Lead,
Food & Beverage Client

Connect with our team

Engage with our team to understand how we can help you unlock new opportunities for your business.

Lead Contact
Aoife Bourke
US Regional Lead & Energy Consultant
Dave Cotterell
Solutions & Design Lead
Graciano Tornero Mínguez
MEng, BEng, CEA
Iberia & LATAM Regional Lead

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